Sophos UTM naprave so že nekaj let produkt, s katerim so kupci zelo zadovoljni in odličnost Sophos UTM napravam priznava tudi podjetje Gartner, ki je v kategoriji UTM naprav (SMB Multifunction Firewalls) že sedmo leto zapored postavilo Sophos UTM naprave v Leader kvadrant. Podjetje Sophos je zavezano k stalni izboljšavi svojih produktov, zato je predstavilo novo verzijo programske opreme za Sophos UTM naprave.
Glavne novosti v verziji 9.6 so naslednje:
Let's Encrypt Integration
- Generate and renew Let's Encrypt certificates from within the UTM
- Generated certificates can be used in all UTM components
Web Application Firewall (WAF) Page Customization
- Custom themes for all error pages that are delivered via the WAF
- Enables the use of a custom corporate identity on all pages
Manual Sandstorm Submission
- Allows an admin to upload a file for detonation within Sophos Sandstorm
- Files that have not been received via email or web download can also be analyzed with Sophos Sandstorm
Persistent Sandstorm Reports
- Enhanced reporting for Sandstorm activity over time and with historic information
- Reporting also covering hash lookup-based results from Sophos Sandstorm
Other Enhancements
- Unified RED firmware with improved 3g/4g support
- Submission Port Support in SMTP Proxy
- Configurable Listen Address in SMTP Proxy
- New Advanced Thread Protection Library with better performance and protection