Leto 2017 bo na področju računalniške varnosti zaznamovano s skokovito rastjo novih različic izsiljevalskih virusov in vdorov v računalniška omrežja.
SOPHOS FORUM je zato izjemna priložnost za spoznavanje najnovejših izdelkov za računalniško varnost podjetja Sophos, še posebej izdelkov Intercept X ter eXploit Prevention, ki ščitita podjetja pred izsiljevalskimi virusi in dopolnjujeta protivirusno zaščito.
Poseben gost, Chester Wisniewski, Sophos Principal Research Scientist, eden vodilnih Sophos predavateljev na svetovnih konferencah, bo v dveh predavanjih predstavil naraščujoči trend izkoriščanja človeške zaupljivosti pri računalniških vdorih ali odtekanju informacij in denarja, ter trend komercializacije in lažje dostopnosti do izdelave različnih vrst računalniških groženj po naročilu.
9.00 - 9.30: registracija
9.30 - 9.35: Darjan Marčič, direktor Sophos d.o.o. Slovenija
Pozdravni nagovor
9.35 - 10.30: Chester Wisniewski, Sophos Principal Research Scientist
Increasingly attackers are focusing on exploitation of the human element to greater success than attacking software flaws. Chester will share what he has learned on how to effectively move from simple phishing training to a more comprehensive security culture.
10.30 - 10.50: odmor (kava, sok, pecivo)
10.50 - 11.30: Peter Skondro, Sophos Senior Sales Engineer
Ransomware is the number one malware attack affecting organizations today encrypting your files and holding them hostage until the ransom is paid. Sophos Intercept X adds next-generation signatureless technologies on top of your current endpoint security to give you complete, layered protection against exploits, ransomware and other zero-day threats. And it is compatible with all known AV solutions.
Demonstracija Intercept X zaščite pred kripto virusi v živo!
11.30 - 11.40: odmor
11.40 - 12.40: Chester Wisniewski, Sophos Principal Research Scientist
The development and distribution of malware has become increasingly commoditized. What does it take to get into the botnet business in 2017? Fancy yourself a ransomware king? Chester takes a look at what's involved and how to create a solid defence.
12:40-14:00: kosilo
14.00 - 15.00: Rok Jerman, Miha Kralj, Peter Skondro
Pregled Sophos novosti (Mobile Control, Central - Cloud, Sandstorm - Sandboxing, HeartBeat - Sychronized Security, next-gen požarni zidovi XG, UTM SG, Safeguard Encryption, ...) in prihajajoče funkcionalnosti Sophos izdelkov v letu 2017 ter vprašanja udeležencev.
Prijava in udeležba je brezplačna!